First Steps
Clorissa McConnell
(606) 929-9155
[email protected]

What is First Steps?
First Steps is a statewide early intervention system that provides services to children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 3 and their families. First Steps offers comprehensive services through a variety of community agencies and service disciplines and is administered by the Department for Public Health in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
Who may be eligible for First Steps?
A child may be eligible for services if an evaluation shows that a child is not developing normally in at least one of the following skill areas: communication, cognition, physcial, social and emotional or self-help. A Child may be eligible if he of she receives a diagnosis of a physical or mental condition with high probability of resulting developmental delay, such as Down Syndrome.
First Steps can help answer questions that parents frequently have about their child’s growth and development such as:
My child is one year old. Why are they not walking by themselves?
How many words should my child know by age 2?
Why does my child have trouble playing with other children?
Children with developmental delays or conditions likely to cause delays benefit greatly from First Steps services during critical developmental years.
Anyone can refer a child for First Steps services by calling (877) 417-8377 or (877) 41STEPS.
First Steps is available in all Kentucky counties. Services are available to any child and family who meet developmental eligibility criteria, regardless of income. A family’s participation in First Steps services is always voluntary. Referrals are directed to teams at the district Local Point of Entry offices that help children and families access needed services.
For more information contact your local Point of Entry Office