Gateway Oral Health Program
This is a no-out-of-pocket preventative dental program provided by the Gateway District Health Department (GDHD), the Gateway Oral Health Program, and the Public Health Registered Dental Hygienist, under the direction of GDHD Board Dentist, State Dental Director, and the Department of Public Health Dental Hygiene Program.
The BEST way to protect children from tooth decay is to STOP it before it starts. Regular Dental Assessments, Prophy (cleanings), Sealants, and Fluoride are your child’s best friends when it comes to building strong, healthy, beautiful teeth for a lifetime.


Every child can benefit from fluoride. Under the gums is a regular little tooth factory that is busy making teeth, baby teeth and the adult (permanent) teeth. Even though you won’t see some of them for years, Fluoride starts making those teeth strong long before they come through the gums. Fluoride Varnish is a layer of fluoride that is painted onto the teeth. Even if your child has received fluoride at the dentist they may have it again. Fluoride varnish can be applied up to six times a year. Twice from your dentist, twice from a pediatrician or doctor, and twice from your public health hygiene program. It is easy, fast, and painless! Fluoride can prevent, slow down, and reverse the tooth decay process.

Dental Sealants are protective coatings painted in the grooves of the back teeth (molars) that help in the prevention of cavities in the chewing surfaces of your child’s teeth. They can last up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance. In the long run, sealants can save lots of time and money in preventing extensive dental work. In fact, they are one of the most effective ways to prevent cavities and maintain good oral health.

Dental Assessments
Depending on your county, we provide the following services
Rowan: Full Hygiene Preventative Services
Bath, Elliott, Morgan, Menifee: Assessment and Fluoride Progra along with resources and referrals
Our GDHD Public Health Registered Dental Hygienist will visually screen your child’s teeth, may provide an age-appropriate dental cleaning (oral health education/nutrition /tobacco education included), dental sealants as needed, and apply Fluoride Varnish. A licensed dentist will not be present during the screening, nor required for the PHRDH to give this service (see KY Dental Practice act KRS 313.040). We are supported by the Dept of Public Health, KY Dental Director, Our Health Board, and several members of the local dental and healthcare community. Each child will receive a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a dental report card. If tooth problems are noted, a referral to a dentist will be made along with support and resources from our program.
To participate, please fill out our consent form using the link below:
If you have any questions, you may contact:
Brooke Jones PHRDH, BSDH, Director of School Oral Health
Email: [email protected]
Phone/text: (606) 548-3763
You may also contact us at Gateway District Health Department – Rowan office at (606) 784-8954 ext. 3140